Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Life off of the lead....

The beagle mom is writing the blog this week giving a female touch to Marshall happenings. We started off the week of July 20th, 2009 with a new dog mood....what we call "action pose". We are not sure what triggers this reaction but the photo shows Marshall on the floor on this side, but from above it looks like his is running in the grass. He thinks no one sees his moves....but his owners see all.

Saturday morning Jimmy and I were focused on finding a new sniff and walk trails for his exercise needs. Well, after what Marshall thought was 45 minutes and four trail head discoveries we went down to South Austin to park at the Green Belt off highway 360. Marshall found the trail to his liking...full of smell and animal "gifts". He convinced his people that he could handle walking off the lead. Since Jimmy runs the blog most of the time....Marshall demanded photos of him on the blog this week. Marshall did great and did not run off to find another adopted family. Please note his finesse off the lead with his Jimmy.

Early last week, Dr. W took another x-ray of Marshall's pelvis. The vet was concerned with the break in the ball and pin joint that is not fully healed and that arthritis might set in eventually. The attached x-ray shows that he is really healing well. We got the call on Wednesday night that the orthopedic surgeon said the left leg was doing well. We thought interested parties might want to see the plate in Marshall's leg...he is willing to sell it to the highest bidder.

Everyone knows that Austin is in a drought.....but it looks like Marshall has found a great patch of green grass. Since the grass only grows where the shade or water flows, Marshall has found the perfect safari grasslands to lay and play in. Again, he thinks that no one sees him....but who can miss that beagle head!! Marshall has no comment, but did tell his friends that he wishes the parental would stay out of his business. Let's see how the lawnmower treats his special spot. Till next week....Marshall send his licks and big paw scratches....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good to catch up with the news. Marshall, I say rope off your space and do not let anyone near it with the mower. Gama