Sunday, July 12, 2009

He came, he chewed, he did not regret

Marshall had a big week, and a really big weekend. First, Lori had her last week of summer school, which means no more Tuesdays and Thursdays stuck at home with just Jimmy to entertain him. Now he has both humans to play with.

Since he knows his foster mom Denise checks his blog every now and then, Marshall wanted to be sure she saw that he is still enjoying one of his oldest toys, blue bone.

So, about that wild week. At the end of the July 4th weekend, we set out for a walk around the neighborhood. It started with the same ritual as usual, Marshall grabs at his lead and tugs at it until you understand its time to go... now.

While we were out we saw two dogs that looked to have gotten lose (they had tags) but would not allow us to get close enough to check them. Jimmy went back to the house to alert the neighborhood Yahoo! newsgroup and Lori led Marshall around the corner so he would stop baying at the lost dogs, scaring them even more than they already were.

Yes, while Marshall is a rescue dog himself, he has a bit of training to go before he is ready to help other dogs. Case in point: what he recently did to Lori's Hound Rescue baseball cap. Ouch! And on that subject, have you ever heard of a dog that was so against rain gauges that he chewed right into the plastic?

After taking down two prized possessions you might think Marshall had some regrets? Yeah, right.

One of the ways the humans try to combat the chewing is with daily walks in the evening and weekend special trips. Marshall made his first trip to Town Lake and got to romp with the other dogs in the no leash area. Since its not a fenced dog park and he is still learning to return when called he had to stay on his lead but did very well socializing with the big dogs, small dogs, wet dogs, wild dogs, and even a few crazy dogs. He did not, however, take to the life-sized statute of Stevie Ray Vaughan. The only way the humans were able to get a photo of the two of them together was to snap this quick shot of the shadow, part of the statute.

After the successful Town Lake trip, Marshall got to pick out a new toy at Bark 'n Purr. Its a bit hard to tell from this action shot but he settled on Ted, a rope turtle that supported animal rescue efforts with his purchase. Five minutes later, Ted was on life support.

As of this writing, Ted is no longer with us. Perhaps Michael has made some room for him at the big Neverland Ranch in the sky.

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