Thursday, June 26, 2008

Goodbye Worms...

Big day today. Scarlett went back to the vet clinic for her first (of two) heart worm treatments. Since her case was so advanced, her treatments will be spaced one month apart. That means this little Beagle of energy has to stay calm for a total of 12 weeks, starting today. Yikes.

So far she is doing great, but that's probably because she is on a little pain medicine. Check back next time and see if our luck on that holds out.

And oh yeah, for those of you that wonder how an 18 pound dog can hog the entire couch: here is the photographic proof. She starts curled up next to you on the side. Then she slowly moves her head toward the back and begins to gently press her hind legs against your side. Next comes the full-on kick. Finally, she is laying across the entire depth of the couch so you can't lay down at all. Nice work.

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