Three big holidays to bark about in today's blog posting. As usual its been very busy around Rockwood Lane for Marshall. Besides teaching Lori how to drive her new car (see below), he has also been trying to show Jimmy how to use the camera on his new "smart" phone. Bottom line: Marshall thinks the phone is just like any other computer and quite frankly, he doesn't like it. Too much time away from him equals no good.

That said, Marshall likes to keep it positive, in addition to keeping it real so let's change the subject to something he enjoys. Squirrel hunting. Squirrel hunting. Squirrel hunting. Whatever Rockwood Lane lacks in square footage indoors, Marshall believes its more than made up for by the backyard, and in particular the giant trees.
On this particular afternoon, Marshall was willing to pose for some much needed new glamor shots for his budding acting career. No one has actually called to express interest in him yet, but as far as he is concerned that is simply an oversight. We warned you from the beginning Jimmy is still learning how to use the new phone, so please excuse the sideways pic.
Not sure if these next two can really be used by his commercial agent but those of you out there with scent hounds can recognize exactly what is going on here: Marshall is trying to get rid of his "clean dog" smell by covering it with cool yard smells.
Marshall also encouraged Lori to participate fully in "ding-dong day" (Halloween to the rest of you) so he also wanted to share some pictures with you that show the full experience. First up is a picture of Marshall waiting patiently for one of the neighborhood kids to come to the door and make the ding-dong sound. Next up is a picture from the outside that shows how a good beagle greets the little ones, with a bowl of candy and a wagging tail (on a lead, of course). Please be sure to notice Lori's Jack-o-Lantern as well.
While he did enjoy himself a great deal, Marshall doesn't have any pictures to show for his Thanksgiving holiday in Denton. He journeyed North with the humans again this year to join the family gathering and especially to see his country cousins and Houston dog cousins. All are well and lots of food was eaten, but as far as the humans know Marshall did not get anyone's turkey or even mashed potatoes. He would also like to state for the public record that no one did anything to humiliate Lori this year, even though her team didn't have the best day.

For those of you that don't remember this from last year, everyone that wants to participate is encouraged to bring a wrapped $5 gift (no food items) to the regular meet up at Norwood Dog Park. The humans take numbers and one by one the beagles approach the pile of gifts and make their selection. Traditionally, a sniff, a paw scratch, or even a slobber means the package has been chosen. However, last year at least one dog decided to claim his gift by hiking his leg and taking care of business. No such incident occurred this year.
You might not be able to tell from the picture above, but Marshall (who picked #7 out of 31 this year) selected a toy Santa dog that was wrapped in nice blue paper. Thirty minutes later we were back at Rockwood Lane and the poor Santa dog never had a chance. Yes, that's Santa dog stuffing to the left of Marshall's ear, and in the background.
That about wraps it up for this entry. Just a few more cute sleeping Beagle poses, because we can never have too many of those. Happy Holidays.