What's been going on? Its officially Beagle season here in Austin. You might call it "the Fall" but Marshall and his peeps call it their season. He's waking up around 5am these days, ready to chase squirrels, and yes, try out some new sleeping poses. How many ways can a beagle sleep and still look cute? Let us count the ways...
After talking big about firing his web team and getting new blood into the operation, not much has happened on that front here at Rockwood Lane. However, two of Marshall's biggest fans have been
hounding him for updates so he has finally gotten on the humans to get it together.
It has been a very busy summer. Following up on the
last post, Lori decided it was time to leave her old job for a new one. Now you can feel free to call her personally whenever you feel someone, somewhere, might be trying to
commit fraud against the State of Texas Medicaid program. Be sure to mention you decided to refer the case after reading this blog. That way Marshall gets points toward his honorary deputy badge.
Lori also said goodbye to her old friend, the 1996 Honda Accord. She loved that car and it had treated her well but it just wasn't feeling well in the last couple years. Late in the summer, Marshall approved the purchase of a VW EOS, hardtop convertible.
Convertible, you might ask? Is that any car for a beagle? What about safety? What about practicality? Well, Marshall doesn't know that p- word, but please note use of his safety harness in the back seat...and of course his own travel bed.

Some of Marshall's favorite trips in the new car are Lowe's, Taco Deli,
Bark 'n Purr, and really anywhere he can see and be seen. As a general rule, if people are watching, Marshall is performing.
Speaking of Lowe's here is a nice shot of Marshall checking the place for stray candy bars, goo of all kinds, and bedbugs. If you don't understand the bedbugs reference, Marshall encourages you to read this story from the
New York Times.
Marshall was also busy entertaining this summer. First, his semi-cousin Bethany came to visit him for the weekend (check out the pictures
here if you have Facebook). A few weeks later, friend Russell brought his ankle-biter to meet Marshall. Turns out, Clark and Marshall have the same taste in toy balls. Marshall shared very well, and while he really wanted to lick Clark's entire face, he resisted. This picture is from early in the visit and Marshall doesn't look super excited, but it got better, promise.
Most of you probably didn't know Nancy Adams, but she was a very classy lady, so Marshall wanted to pay his final respects by
posting her obituary so his fans could read about her. Nancy, your MSC kids miss you already.
One final note: Marshall will be heading to
Dogtoberfest next weekend to help raise money for the good folks at
Hound Rescue. Please join him...and bring a checkbook why don't ya!