Likes: our crate. Lucky for Lori and Jimmy, Scarlett does not mind going into her crate during the day as long as one of her favorite toys is in there with her.
Dislikes: staying still for a photo. Thus, the blurry action shot of Lori and Scarlett that is posted here.
Likes: looking between the planks in Mrs. Foley's fence. There is something over there moving, Scarlett is sure of that. She just can't quite figure out what it is. That means Jimmy needs to get to Lowe's this weekend and fortify the base of the fence!
Dislikes: the hose Jimmy uses to water the backyard gardens. In case you are wondering, Scarlett can get across the backyard, through the dog door, and into her crate ("safe place") in less than 4 seconds given the right motivation. And that motivation is apparently the sound of water going through the hose on the other side of the yard.
Likes: sleeping on her own bed next to (not in) Lori and Jimmy's bed. Amen.
Dislikes: sharing her favorite toy with you when she is settled onto her end of the couch. Yeah, we need to work on that one.
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